→po slovensky

International conference under the auspice of the president of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Jaromír Pastorek

Development of the Human Language Technologies and Resources in Slovakia and in the world (10 years of the Slovak National Corpus)

7 - 8 June 2012, Bratislava, Slovakia, hotel Park Inn Danube

The international scientific and informational conference was held within the CESAR Road Show. The conference is aimed at presenting national language corpora, specialised corpora, computational lexicography results, development of corpus construction and usage tools, and natural language processing. The presentations of leading experts in NLP and language technologies are also intended for state and business representatives as well as for all the scientists and academic representatives.

Reports from the conference: a short report in English, a complete report in Slovak.


Invited lecturers

The contributions will be published in Linguistics studies XXXI (Jazykovedné štúdie XXXI).

Anyone interested can join the conference and present his/her own results. Working Languages: all the Slavic languages and English language

Travel Instructions


The conference fee for lecturers and students, including the PhD students is 30 €. The fee covers only the costs on the publishing of proceedings.
Accommodation is not provided.
Presentation without publishing is free.
If you would like to have lunch, it is to be paid 10 € per day at on-site registration.
The conference fee shall be paid before 31 May 2012. The fee may also be paid at on-site registration.

Payment details

If you intend to take part in the conference, please fill in the registration form on the website address below and send it by 19 March 2012 to:

Adriána Žáková
Slovak National Corpus
Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics SAS
Panská 26, 813 64 Bratislava 1, Slovakia
phone :+421-2-54410307
fax:+421-2-54410307 <snk10 @ korpus.juls.savba.sk>


Instruction for article authors

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