[poz] background noise
[mm] sounds made by speaker (ee, hm)
[hh] sounds made by listener (ee, hm), nonverbal sounds sustaining the conversation
Noise speaker
[rh] loud breathing
[nh] sniffing, panting
[txh] coughing
[tx2h] sneezing
[rih] laughter, smile
[sifh] whisper
[zivh] yawning
[stikh] hiccup
Noise listener
[rp] loud breathing
[np] sniffing, panting
[txp] coughing
[tx2p] sneezing
[rip] laughter, smile
[sifp] whispering
[zivp] yawning
[stikp] hiccup
[pron=lapsus] lapsus
[pron=lapsus2] lapsus related to the second preceding word
[pron=lapsus3] lapsus related to the third preceding word
[pron=lapsus4] lapsus related to the fourth preceding word
[pron=lapsus5] lapsus related to the fifth preceding word
[pron=lapsus6] lapsus related to the sixth preceding word
[pron=lapsus7] lapsus related to the seventh preceding word
[pron=lapsus8] lapsus related to the eighth preceding word
[pron=lapsus9] lapsus related to the ninth preceding word
[pron=lapsus10] lapsus related to the tenth preceding word
[pron=skom] mangled word
[pron=pi] unintelligibly pronounced
[pron=mum] blurred, unclear speech
[pron=ned] unfinished word
[pron=lu] abbreviation read out as a word
[pron=luc] abbreviation read out in the original language
[pron=ep] spelled out abbreviation
[pron=ps-] short pause
[pron=ps--] medium pause
[pron=ps---] long pause
[pron=***] unintelligibly pronounced (unidentified) word
[pron=narecie] dialect
[pron=spev] singing
[pron=pers] - censored personal name
[pron=loc] - censored place name
Other symbols
@ - schwa /ə/
znak * - hesitation