CESAR roadshow Bratislava 7 – 8 June 2012, Park Inn Danube hotel
This road-show event, organized by CESAR (Central and South-East European Resources) will be aimed at mobilisation of national industry and research in the field of language technologies. CESAR together with META-NET (a Network of Excellence consisting of 57 research centres in 33 countries and funded by the European Commission) stimulates multilingual technologies development and research. We believe the road show is the most appropriate mean of enhancing awareness about the human language technologies in European countries.
The meeting is held in conjunction with the international scientific and informational conference “Development of the Human Language Technologies and Resources in Slovakia and in the World”, organised at the 10-year anniversary of the establishment of the Slovak National Corpus, the leading Natural Language Processing research institution in Slovakia. The conference is aimed at national language corpora, specialised corpora, computational lexicography results, development of corpus construction and usage tools, and natural language processing.
The event will bring together different communities – research, business and government, with representatives of research centres, technology, users of language technologies and policy makers responsible for supporting research and innovation.
This CESAR road-show will summarize the current state of language technology in Slovakia and inform the target audience with the state of art and future natural language processing technologies and tools in the cross-lingual European information society.
Programme of the conference Development of the Human Language Technologies and Resources in Slovakia and in the world (10 years of the Slovak National Corpus) held within the CESAR Road Show is available here.