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Registration Renewal for 2015

In accordance with the section 5 of the Conditions of Use of the SNK all users' accounts to the Slovak National Corpus resources will be disabled as of February 9, 2015. If you are interested in access renewal in order to work with the Slovak National Corpus resources in 2015, please reply to this e-mail. Your new password will be sent back shortly afterwards.
We also encourage all users of the Slovak National Corpus to send bibliographical information of the published papers based on data obtained from the Slovak National Corpus.

Corpora and other databases available since 12 February 2014


In 2014 there were two additions to the tools developed at the Slovak National Corpus Department: firstly KOLOKAT – a tool for visualization of the distance between components of a collocation (consisting of two or more words) based on the current version of monolingual corpus of written texts (prim-6.1) and secondly, the tool for automatic diacritics restoration named DIAKRITIK.


In 2014 the number of publications of the Slovak National Corpus increased to 11 due to publishing two books of proceedings: jubilee conference proceedings of the 10th anniversary of the Slovak National Corpus Jazykovedné štúdie XXXI. Rozvoj jazykových technológií a zdrojov na Slovensku a vo svete (10 rokov Slovenského národného korpusu) and secondly, terminology-oriented proceedings of the international conference entitled Aktuálne otázky terminológie marketingu.

New Contributors

Last year we enlisted cooperation with 95 new contributors. Among education institutions, a special mention can be given to Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, The Faculty of Theology of Trnava University; among publishers are Trio Publishing, Slovenský spisovateľ, Dobrá kniha, Hydra, Vydavateľstvo Spolku sv. Vojtecha, Herial and some more. And also Slovak authors of contemporary fiction and scientific literature granted us their favour, among them are P. Krištúfek, E. Šranková, K. Gillerová, A. Salmela, M. Macháčková, S. Koleničová, P. Janík, P. Nagyová-Džerengová,  J. Banáš, J. Červenák, Z. Kepplová, F. Kele, O. Sliacky, M. Žitný, J. Jankuv, S. Sikora, D. Podhorský, A. Čalkovská etc. Information about all new contributors and texts can be found here. Thank you for your cooperation!

Slovko Conference

Biennial SLOVKO Conference will be held from 21 to 23 October 2015 in Bratislava. Registration and paper submission deadline is March 30, 2015. We look forward to meeting you there!

Practical workshops in the Slovak National Corpus

In 2015 we also keep offering workshops on the use of the Slovak National Corpus. The next all-day workshops will be held on February 10 and 11, 2015 and April 7 and 8, 2015 at the Slovak National Corpus Department, Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, in Bratislava. You can find more information about the workshops here.

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