Alternatively, you can submit your article in OpenDocument Text (e.g. latest format with standard fonts. If you need to use any special fonts, make sure they are TrueType fonts with a correct unicode table, the article is otherwise unlikely to be printed as expected, and send the font with your article.
Feel free to reuse article templates found here
The article should begin with authors' names and affiliations, followed by an abstract not exceeding half a page. Sections should be numbered, starting with 1. The last section should be Bibliography, and should not be numbered. Recommended citation style is the APA, with references either numerical (in square brackets), or parenthetical (in round brackets). If you are using LaTeX, \usepackage[sort,square,numbers]{natbib} and \bibliographystyle{apa} does the right thing™.
We recommend to capitalise only the first letter of headings (and proper names).