#ecq is really ugly script for ircII (works on bitchX too) I put together to #be able to use micq from ircII #command line. #How does it work: it creates alias /icq, which is used to control micq. For #example # #/icq w # #lists your contact list, # #/icq add 11634807 Torvalds # #will add Torvalds into your contact list. #Another added alias is /msg. To send message to irc, you use /msg in the #normal way, to send message to someone on icq, type for example # #/msg icq:torvalds hi, 2.2 seems to be really buggy # #Note that people on your contact list must not have spaces #in their nicknames. # alias icq { //msg %micq $0- } alias msg { if (rmatch($left(4 $0) icq:)) {icq msg $mid(4 10 $0)/$1- } { //msg $0- } ^tk.addmsg $0 $tk.msglist } #code starts here load tabkey exec -name micq micq #turn the colors off #/msg %micq color